A collaborative journey between you and your MSP
For some time now the technology spotlight has been on cybersecurity, and with current world events, it will remain so far into the future. Both Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and their clients are feeling the pressure to stay ahead of the curve. At the same time, MSPs are also feeling the staffing shortage experienced by so many other businesses. This means that while your IT provider may be working harder than ever, having important cybersecurity conversations may be happening less often than we would all like.
The path to a secure technological future takes collaboration. The more engaged an organization becomes in their own Cybersecurity journey, the easier it becomes for MSPs to design and implement solutions that work best for that organization. However, we recognize that conversations about cybersecurity can be overwhelming at times, even for those of us who consider ourselves to be professionals.
That is why were excited to be starting a blog series Back to Cybersecurity Basics! The purpose of these blogs isn’t to overwhelm you with information. Instead, we would like to provide avenues to start conversations about cybersecurity. Every organization is at a different place in their security journey. The best place to start is to implement and maintain the fundamentals.
Our hope is that you can use our blog to think about your current Cybersecurity posture, formulate questions, and then start a conversation with your MSP. If you are not currently working with an MSP, and are interested in having a conversation about cybersecurity, we would love to hear from you!
Securing your network and your data is an ever-evolving journey and one worth starting today!
Michael Wallace
On Line Support Cybersecurity Consultant